The online continuing education courses from Pneuma Institute provide an ideal introduction to Transpersonal Psychology for your professional or transpersonal development. Our selection of courses is wide, diverse, and immersive.


This exceptional course, provides the keys to understanding why human beings, including yourself, experience states of stress, conflict, fear, depression, ambition, and many other toxic dynamics, offering a path toward greater states of fulfillment, peace, love, and balance.
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Juan Ruiz Naupari, psychologist and psychotherapist, is the founder and director of Pneuma Institute.

For over 40 years, Juan Ruiz has been studying expanded states of consciousness and their applications in therapy. Thanks to his work, the field of transpersonal psychology has been enriched with a unique approach whose hallmark is a strong spiritual component. This new and complete perspective on transpersonal psychology is based on the essence of Western psychology, the comparative study of ancient philosophies as well as ancestral and modern techniques for the expansion of consciousness. The current of Pneuma Transpersonal Psychology has its application in the field of psychotherapy, with a focus on the psychological and spiritual progression of the human being.

Juan’s extensive empirical research and professional experience have culminated in the development of the Training in Transpersonal Psychology and Pneuma Breathwork. The training program is available in 5 languages and is designed to foster both professional growth and personal development to realize each participants individual’s highest potential.

During the last four decades Juan has been teaching students as well as practicing psychologists. Graduates of the Training program offer courses in Pneuma Studies and facilitate Pneuma Breathwork in different parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Russia, India and Australia. The international headquarters of Pneuma Institute is located in Mount Shasta, California, USA.

This Training is recognized by the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) and the College of Psychologists of Romania, as well as Spiru Haret University of Romania and the Gaden Shartse Norling Monastic University in India, with which Pneuma Institute has academic collaboration agreements.

Juan Ruiz Naupari participates in congresses, offers conferences and supports the individual internal processes of his students internationally. In addition, he offers trainings online and in person in different countries internationally.

He is a faculty member at international universities, including the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Spiru Haret University in Bucharest Romania, the Gaden Shartse Norling Monastic University in Hubli, India (with Buddhist philosophy classes) and in the “Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training” in Romania, recognized by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

He has collaborated with the dissemination of the philosophy and culture of Tibetan Buddhism for more than 32 years, with the recognition of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.

Juan Ruiz Naupari is a member of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association (ATI), and the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA).

As a result of his most recent research, he has developed the specialization in Pneuma Therapy, a revolutionized model of psychotherapy yielding significant results for clients.

Juan Ruiz's work is inspired by the Master Archetype of the Golden Eagle.

Juan Ruiz Naupari

Founder and Director of Pneuma Institute


Directora General de Pneuma Studies. Es Psicoterapeuta Transpersonal y Pedagoga. Enamorada de las tradiciones ancestrales de occidente y américa, investiga la aplicación de esta antigua sabiduría al desarrollo personal y la psicoterapia. Es especialista en Trabajo con los Sueños. Ofrece sesiones de consultoría, psicoterapia, análisis de sueños y terapia psicoenergética. Viaja por Europa y América ofreciendo conferencias y cursos de formación. Es miembro de la Asociación Europea de Psicología Transpersonal, la asociación transpersonal Iberoamericana y la Asociación Transpersonal Europea.

Maite Pardo Sol

Directora General de Pneuma Studies


Licenciada en Ciencia de la Danza con Maestría en Didáctica del Arte y especialización en Psicología Transpersonal y en Pneuma Breathwork obtenida en el Pneuma Institute. Además, es miembro activo y docente en Danza Terapia Transpersonal en la European Transpersonal Psychology Association en Rumanía (ETPA). Graduada en la Academy of Bharatanatyam en Bangalore, India, bajo la guía de Guru Gayathri Keshavan. Con una extensa trayectoria como bailarina profesional, ha participado en destacadas compañías en España, México, India y Egipto. Como bailarina y docente, ofrece programas educativos en todo el mundo con el propósito de acercar herramientas para el desarrollo transpersonal tanto a jóvenes como a adultos. Su enfoque se centra en la investigación de la psicoterapia a través de la danza, así como en las técnicas de meditación, respiración y movimiento. Actualmente, se encuentra inmersa en la profundización de la investigación sobre la Danza Transpersonal desde una perspectiva sagrada y terapéutica, desarrollando el método Pneuma Dance con una visión transpersonal. Reside en Oxford, donde continúa con su investigación y comparte programas y formaciones en todo el mundo.

Shamti Ruiz

Coordinadora de Pneuma Youth y Fundadora de Pneuma Dance


“Always grateful, receiving these teachings has given deep meaning to life, knowing that there is something more within, walking inwardly with love, joy, hope, knowing that there is always the possibility of transforming myself, moving forward with honesty, with sincerity because this path guided by the teachings I receive is a straight path... infinite thanks to Our Director Juan Ruiz Naupari, thanks to everyone who makes it possible to have knowledge and guidance.”

“I am delighted, excited, and constantly amazed, and I feel very grateful to have found the teachings of Pneuma in my life. Everything has taken on a new meaning; life has become a wonderful path full of wisdom and learning. I sincerely thank Shamti and the entire team of professionals, especially our director Juan Ruiz. I never tire of listening to and learning these privileged teachings, and in this particular module, I greatly appreciated the clarifications on meditation practices.”