"The emergence of archetypes has a distinctly numinous, spiritual character. It can heal or destroy, but it is never indifferent. It is not uncommon for the archetype to appear in the form of a spirit in dreams or in the creations of fantasy, or to behave like an apparition." 

- Carl Gustav Jung

The course invites you to embark on a fascinating and PROFOUND JOURNEY to EXPLORE UNIVERSAL SYMBOLS, as well as the basic CODES that are part of the COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS of the human psyche.

The theory of archetypes, as part of the collective unconscious, was developed by the pioneer of transpersonal psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, although it has its roots in the philosophical systems of the oldest traditions.

According to C. G. Jung's research, archetypes are the building blocks of our psyche, and the experience and interpretation of them will shape our perception of the world, our values, and even our interpersonal relationships.

By studying and experiencing the POWER OF SYMBOLS AND ARCHETYPES, we receive KEYS that open access to a NEW UNDERSTANDING OF OURSELVES, our inner psychological processes, and the universe in general.

Pneuma Institute, as a school of transpersonal psychology, not only studies the functioning of the psyche (mind, emotion, behavior), but also very clearly includes the spiritual element by synthesizing the main traditions; it also includes methods that allow penetrating into the space of the unconscious and discovering all its depth in an experiential way with meditative practices and expanded states of consciousness through Pneuma Breathwork, so this course will exceptionally combine theory and practice with the masterful guidance of Juan Ruiz Naupari, founder of the institute.


  • Thanks to the training, you will learn to understand and speak the symbolic language of the soul, which is universal across all cultures and historical periods. The symbolic language is used not only in psychotherapy and art but also in the business sphere, for example, when creating a brand archetype.

  • The course "Archetypes and Symbols of the Soul" will allow you to perceive the situations in your life more broadly and completely, not as something separate, but as part of an integrated field of human experience. As you become familiar with the archetypes, you will begin to recognize universal stories and motifs reflected in individual circumstances.

  • An archetype is a peculiar “framework” of a personality. By knowing your unconscious mental tendencies, you will not only be able to heal psychologically but also consciously develop the virtuous aspects of your personality, as well as transform negative manifestations.

  • Based on your knowledge of archetypes, you will learn to release psychic energy from events that may have previously been perceived as traumatic.

  • Each archetype and symbol has its own special meaning, with whose wisdom you can discover your hidden potential, which is ready to unfold.

  • Understanding the mental structures of the collective unconscious will give you the opportunity to much better understand the people around you, their motives, and behavior.

  • Archetypes are unconscious. But they are what compel people to perceive, experience events, and react to them in a certain way. Knowledge of archetypes will help a person to be more conscious and, as a result, more free in their reactions.

Archetypes are a mirror that reflects the inner world of a person. As universal and timeless codes, they help us understand who we are and show us the way forward. The study of archetypes is not just an academic exercise, but a journey into the depths of our soul.


This course is an optional module within the "Transpersonal Psychology and Pneuma Breathwork" program valid for professional training, but it is also open to anyone interested in the subject.

  • Start date: May 26, 2024
  • 12 classes on Zoom
  • Format: Live online and recorded
  • Every Sunday
  • Duration of each class: 2 and a half hours.
  • Languages: Spanish with translation into English, Portuguese, Italian, and Russian.


10:00 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. (Pacific Time).

  • Mexico City: 11:00 a.m. - 13:30 p.m.
  • Rome, Italy: 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
  • Portugal: 6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
  • Moscow, Russia: 8:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.


You can participate in our live classes or study at your own pace thanks to the flexibility of this format.

  1. Lecture 12 - The Symbols and Archetypes of the Solar Hero

  2. Lecture 11 - Shiva and Parvati: The Couple and The Sacred Matrimony.

  3. Lecture 10 - The Universal Symbols in the Psyche

  4. Lecture 9 - The Symbols and Archetypes in the Myth of the Grail

  5. Lecture 8.2 - Answers to your questions regarding Symbols and Archetypes: harmonization of concepts.

  6. Lecture 8.1 - Answers to your questions regarding Symbols and Archetypes: harmonization of concepts.

About this course

  • $595.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 12 Live Classes
  • 2 Private Tutoring Sessions
  • Access to Study Group


  • Live classes on Sundays from 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. (Pacific Time).
  • Access to class recordings for flexible study.
  • Discussion forums and an exclusive group on Telegram for student interaction and support.
  • Supplementary educational material available to deepen the content.
  • Practices of psychological introspection and meditation to integrate learning holistically.

Thanks to the flexibility of this format, you can participate in our live online classes or study at your own pace.


  • 12 online classes on Zoom

  • 12 group practice sessions (on the same day, at the end of the theoretical part)

  • Student chat on Telegram

  • 4 group tutorials

  • 1 individual tutorial

  • Student support and guidance by an assigned tutor

  • Access to recordings of classes and course materials - 3 months


  • Attendance to at least 80% of the classes (exceptions are discussed individually with the tutor).
  • Participation in the group practices (on the same day, at the end of the theoretical part).
  • Two individual written tasks (essays).
  • Active participation in the discussion of course topics in the chat.
  • Three practices of "Pneuma Breathwork" as a participant (not included in the course price).


  • Two individual tutorials.
  • Two practices of Pneuma Breathwork as a participant.
  • Two practices of “Pneuma Breathwork” as an assistant.

In this course, we will focus on the detailed and profound study, analysis, and understanding of various archetypes and symbols.


(not included in the course price)

  • 2 individual tutorials.
  • 2 practices of Pneuma Breathwork as a participant.
  • 2 practices of “Pneuma Breathwork” as an assistant.

In this course, we will focus on the detailed and profound study, analysis, and understanding of various archetypes and symbols.


A direct experience of communication with the world of archetypes and symbols through the practice of "Pneuma Breathwork" will be carried out. During these practical sessions, not only will you be able to delve into your subconscious, but you will also have the opportunity to directly experience the essence of the "original" images and ideas that indirectly govern a person's cognitive and emotional life, their decisions, and their worldview. The study and firsthand experience with archetypes and symbols provide participants with the opportunity to reconnect and integrate the three dimensions of the human being: body, soul, and spirit.


Juan Ruiz Naupari, psychologist and psychotherapist, is the founder and director of Pneuma Institute.

For over 40 years, Juan Ruiz has been studying expanded states of consciousness and their applications in therapy. Thanks to his work, the field of transpersonal psychology has been enriched with a unique approach whose hallmark is a strong spiritual component. This new and complete perspective on transpersonal psychology is based on the essence of Western psychology, the comparative study of ancient philosophies as well as ancestral and modern techniques for the expansion of consciousness. The current of Pneuma Transpersonal Psychology has its application in the field of psychotherapy, with a focus on the psychological and spiritual progression of the human being.

Juan’s extensive empirical research and professional experience have culminated in the development of the Training in Transpersonal Psychology and Pneuma Breathwork. The training program is available in 5 languages and is designed to foster both professional growth and personal development to realize each participants individual’s highest potential.

During the last four decades Juan has been teaching students as well as practicing psychologists. Graduates of the Training program offer courses in Pneuma Studies and facilitate Pneuma Breathwork in different parts of the world, including the United States, Canada, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, United Kingdom and Russia, India and Australia. The international headquarters of Pneuma Institute is located in Mount Shasta, California, USA.

This Training is recognized by the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA) and the College of Psychologists of Romania, as well as Spiru Haret University of Romania and the Gaden Shartse Norling Monastic University in India, with which Pneuma Institute has academic collaboration agreements.

Juan Ruiz Naupari participates in congresses, offers conferences and supports the individual internal processes of his students internationally. In addition, he offers trainings online and in person in different countries internationally.

He is a faculty member at international universities, including the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, Spiru Haret University in Bucharest Romania, the Gaden Shartse Norling Monastic University in Hubli, India (with Buddhist philosophy classes) and in the “Transpersonal Psychotherapy Training” in Romania, recognized by the Romanian College of Psychologists.

He has collaborated with the dissemination of the philosophy and culture of Tibetan Buddhism for more than 32 years, with the recognition of His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama.

Juan Ruiz Naupari is a member of the European Transpersonal Association (EUROTAS), the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association (ATI), and the European Transpersonal Psychology Association (ETPA).

As a result of his most recent research, he has developed the specialization in Pneuma Therapy, a revolutionized model of psychotherapy yielding significant results for clients.

Juan Ruiz's work is inspired by the Master Archetype of the Golden Eagle.

Juan Ruiz Naupari

Founder and Director of Pneuma Institute

“As we become aware of the existence of Real Life, which is in eternity and connected with our Inner Being, we gradually change our perception of ordinary life. People have drawn a border between the material and spiritual worlds, and the spiritual is often perceived as something separate, external, belonging to the world of religion. But the sacred can be lived every day at home, at work, in relationships with others, and in the depths of the heart. To make the realm of the sacred part of our lives, we need knowledge of symbols and archetypes.”

- Juan Ruiz Naupari

Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the fascinating world of hidden meanings and discover new dimensions of your being!