Is global Peace possible? Yes, it is possible!

The Pneuma Institute World Community, with the guidance and inspiration of Director Juan Ruiz Naupari, has celebrated October 27th as the Day of Inner Peace since 1988. Our commitment is to build an authentic culture of peace, through educational, social and solidarity projects. We promote this day internationally and with the involvement of the institutional world, to contribute to shifting the global focus on Peace as a possible and necessary resource for the progress and well-being of humanity. 

There are currently over 50 active conflicts in the world and the latest report provided by the Institute for Economics & Peace shows a worsening of the Global Peace Index, which in 2024 fell by 0.56%, with a serious worsening in 97 of the 163 countries that were included in the measurement. Our planet is facing a global emergency and finding definitive solutions to the issue of Peace in the world can no longer be postponed.

Can each of us contribute to Peace in the world? Yes, it can! Global Peace depends on each of us. 

It is possible to build a new lifestyle, based on peaceful coexistence and balanced relationships. It is possible to transcend conflict on a personal level and thus contribute to the creation of a new culture, a new society, a new possible world: a world in Peace.

“Heal yourself and your world will heal” is an ancient adage that brings us the echo of a distant but current wisdom. Humanity is us; society is us. The world is the mirror of each of us and it is from ourselves that we must start for this great and authentic Revolution: the Inner one. Inner Peace for Global Peace: there is no other way.

We are waiting for you to celebrate Peace and to build its foundations together.

This year we will celebrate the Day of Inner Peace with a virtual event, live that will be broadcast via zoom.


Keynote Lecture: Prof. Juan Ruiz Naupari, Founder and Director of Pneuma Institute.

Presentation: Prof. Maite Pardo Sol, Director of Pneuma Studies.

Round Table: "Inner Peace and Global Peace: Perspectives from Psychology, Science, Mysticism and Art"*, with the participation of:

- Dr. Miguel Morate (Spain)

- Dr. Alexina Metha (Canada)

- Dr. Elena Nuikina, PhD (Russia)

Special Intervention: "Youth as a Seed of Peace for the Future" by Prof. Shamti Ruiz, Director of Pneuma Studies in the youth area and Director of Pneuma Dance.


- Pacific Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

- Mexico City: 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

- Rome, Italy: 18:00 - 19:30

- Portugal: 17:00 - 18:30

- Moscow, Russia: 20:00 - 21:30


The event will be broadcast in: Spanish, English, Italian, Russian and Portuguese.



By registering, you will receive the following benefits:

- Live access to the event.

- An exclusive Solar Art material, with detailed explanations, created especially for this occasion by Pneuma artists.



On October 27th, the Day of Inner Peace is celebrated in different locations in Mexico, Peru, USA, Canada, Australia, England, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Germany, Romania, Sweden, Australia, with a program of educational and dissemination activities, round tables, Pneuma Breathwork sessions, meditations and Solar Art festivals. All of them have the objective of assisting a fundamental awareness: Global Peace is only possible if based on Individual Inner Peace. 

The origin of conflict is found within the human being. We can easily observe it in our lives and in our relationships. How can we eliminate war between Nations if we cannot live in Peace with our relatives, colleagues, and neighbors? Perhaps we believe that conflict is inevitable, we are used to it, it is part of our lifestyle. We have normalized it, just as we have done with suffering, and its inevitable consequences. Yet, conflict has an origin and a beginning determined within us and for this reason, it can be eliminated. Pneuma Institute is committed and works every day to transform this possibility into reality. It offers a complete educational program for children, young people and adults so that individual transformation occurs and thus that of our society, with the establishment of a new and true Culture of Peace.

Contact us to discover the program of the location closest to you, and join us in this special celebration and in this fundamental path: Inner Peace for Global Peace.

Save the Date

  1. Inner Peace for Global Peace Livestream

Is global Peace possible? Yes, it is possible!

  • $25.00
  • October 27th 2024
  • Livestream
  • Global Community Meetup


Juan Ruiz Naupari es el fundador y director de Pneuma Institute. El cual cuenta con diversas delegaciones en las tres Américas, Europa e India. El profesor Juan Ruiz, es el creador de la Psicología Transpersonal y el Pneuma Breathwork, una perspectiva nueva y completa de la psicología. Esta se basa en el estudio comparativo de la sabiduría de las antiguas tradiciones espirituales y filosóficas del planeta, así como en la expansión de la conciencia a través de la práctica del Pneuma Breathwork.

Juan Ruiz Naupari

Fundador y Director de Pneuma Institute


She is a Transpersonal Psychotherapist and Educator, deeply passionate about the ancestral traditions of both the Western and American continents. She explores the application of this ancient wisdom to personal development and psychotherapy. Specializing in Dream Work, she offers consultancy sessions, psychotherapy, dream analysis, and psychoenergetic therapy. Traveling across Europe and the Americas, she delivers lectures and training courses. She is a member of the European Transpersonal Psychology Association, the Ibero-American Transpersonal Association, and the European Transpersonal Association.

Maite Pardo Sol

General Director of Pneuma Studies


Licenciada en Ciencia de la Danza con Maestría en Didáctica del Arte y especialización en Psicología Transpersonal y en Pneuma Breathwork obtenida en el Pneuma Institute. Además, es miembro activo y docente en Danza Terapia Transpersonal en la European Transpersonal Psychology Association en Rumanía (ETPA). Graduada en la Academy of Bharatanatyam en Bangalore, India, bajo la guía de Guru Gayathri Keshavan. Con una extensa trayectoria como bailarina profesional, ha participado en destacadas compañías en España, México, India y Egipto. Como bailarina y docente, ofrece programas educativos en todo el mundo con el propósito de acercar herramientas para el desarrollo transpersonal tanto a jóvenes como a adultos. Su enfoque se centra en la investigación de la psicoterapia a través de la danza, así como en las técnicas de meditación, respiración y movimiento. Actualmente, se encuentra inmersa en la profundización de la investigación sobre la Danza Transpersonal desde una perspectiva sagrada y terapéutica, desarrollando el método Pneuma Dance con una visión transpersonal. Reside en Oxford, donde continúa con su investigación y comparte programas y formaciones en todo el mundo.

Shamti Ruiz

Coordinadora de Pneuma Youth y Fundadora de Pneuma Dance